Sunday, March 26, 2017


New $250,000 award announced by MIT for civil disobedience.

Trumpcare bill killed only because of massive popular outcry. Now it’s time for the resistance to keep moving forward sez Michael Moore.

City Council of Charlottesville, VA passes a resolution telling congress to move money from the military to human and environmental needs instead of the reverse.

City of Berkeley becomes first city to divest from border wall companies.  Two more cities follow suit.

Ending slavery in America’s jails: California offers alternatives to the prison-industrial complex.

Finito Rato: Spain sends Rato, most corrupt banker-politician to jail.  If they can do it….

Chile Sentences Pinochet-Era Agents for disappearing five communist activists in 1987. Justice eventually—very eventually—catches up with perpetrators. If Chile can do it…

When enough state-supported terror is enough: Iraq suspends Mosul offensive after brutal U.S. airstrike.

In countries around the world, a burgeoning ‘Commons Sector’ is developing effective, ecological alternatives to the increasingly dysfunctional market/state system.

US joins international seed treaty to develop new varieties able to resist climate change, and droughts.

Sierra Club, Greenpeace, and CoalSwarm issue report that the coal industry is in freefall worldwide.

Berkeley City Council unanimously passed a “step Up Housing” initiative, part of which pays for 100 stackable micro-PADS or prefab affordable units to house the city’s most vulnerable homeless residents.

Baltimore City Council voted to raise minimum wage floor to $15/hr—by 2020.

Australian workers lift 61 day long lockout under new collective bargaining agreement with Lactalis and Parmalat.

After months of intransigence, and the loss of 39,000 books, 19,000 of them last copies, and in response to massive popular protest, the City of Berkeley appears poised to fire two of the members of the Board of Library Trustees.


KWMR Post Carbon Radio - Monday, March 27 at 1:00 pm (Pacific Time) - with Co-hosts Bing Gong & Karen Nyhus

Streaming live at: - Community Radio for West Marin
Archived at:
90.5 FM - Point Reyes, 92.3 FM - San Geronimo Valley, & 89.9 FM - Bolinas

War, Militarism, and the Climate
As we anticipate the big climate mobilization next month, join us on Monday for a discussion about the role of war and the military in causing global warming. How much does the U.S. military contribute to climate change? What happened to the old anti-war movement? Can we afford a 10% increase in the military budget? Do we need it? How does the issue of the military's role in climate change fit into a broader social change agenda, including local movements of resistance? 


Our guests will be Janet Weil, long-time Bay Area anti-war activist and former Code Pink staffer. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Janet is also a co-founder of the SF 99% Coalition. 

Cecile Pineda, activist and author of Apology to a Whale, Words to Mend a World. Her writing has received numerous awards and citations. Her archive is held by the Stanford University Special collections library. Her website is  Joanna Macy writes of her work: "Cecile Pineda has the nerve to ask the one simple question...that could save us: What has happened to our mind that we are killing our world?"


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