When I first passed through a security barrier after 9-11,
what I saw overwhelmed me with feelings of horror and disbelief. “Do you know what you’re doing?” I kept
asking everyone in particular, forgetting
that the “what” needed to have a context, and that the people I was attempting
to talk to had no awareness of Third Reich history following the Reichstag Fire.
Fast forward to my return to Oakland through the Los Angeles
airport this week. (The LA airport, referred to as Lax has recently suffered a make-over
to the tune of $509.8 million. Just two gender neutral one-seater bathrooms
serve the swelling crowds. The wait line Tuesday morning consists of nine people,
their faces screwed up in varying degrees of anxiety. Tip to LAX travellers:
allow 20 minutes to attend to bodily needs.)
As a matter of conviction, I have made a habit of refusing to
pass through Michael Chertoff’s full body scanners, devices that have made Mr.
Chertoff a millionaire, in favor of a pat down conducted in full view of the
public. I do this to call attention to what invading the privacy of a 84-year-old
woman looks like (which is why I refuse the oxymoronic “private screening.”)
This time around, repeated shouts by TSA personnel for a
“female assist” go unanswered. (“Female assist” is the operative term for the
soft porn practice by the T&A of the female pat down.) During my ten-minute
wait for female “assistance,” I have the benefit of standing at the frontlines
where the sheepization of the American traveling public gets reinforced. Some
500 people are waiting to penetrate the “security” veil, one by one. Constant shouts over the din of the crowd
caution people to empty their pockets, remove their hats, and strip their feet
of shoes. So divested, they file
docilely forward, all of them barefoot. A small child screams hysterically, in
full tantrum mode, flinging her shoes out of her stroller, acting out this
environment’s energy. Her mother is warned to extract both her children from
the stroller (a likely repository for volatile substances) which must be
passed childless, through the barrier by a stolid-faced attendant. The woman
hoists one strollerless child onto her hip, grabs the tantrumee by the arm, yanks
her up off the floor to haul her, still kicking and screaming, through the
security barrier.
Is something wrong with this picture?
I decide to change my waiting to proactive. I block the line
waiting obediently for the voyeurism of the full body scanner, making it clear
I intend to maintain my stance until the promised “female assist” makes her appearance.
Despite my maneuver, another few minutes elapse. At last, I cup my hands, shout
through the security barrier “female assist!”
“Are you talking to me?” a “male assist” inquires from beyond
the barrier.
“I didn’t think I was talking,” I wisecrack.
Shortly thereafter the promised “female assist” arrives,
ushers me through the gate. Tantalizingly she describes all the assistance she
intends rendering me. Directed by her litany, I spread my arms, I spread my
legs. She indicates she will run her hands under my waist band, front and back.
She executes her tasks with conviction, her strokes vigorous enough to dislodge
my slacks from my waistline. At last she delivers the promised back and forth
over my crotch. (Whereas formerly the hands were passed downward in a swift and
I like to imagine embarrassed motion, this new development is intended for
further customer satisfaction.) This time her hand gestures are aggressively
“Do you have something there?” She eyes me suspiciously.
I restrain myself from using a street expression for the
female genitalia. Instead I settle for, “You bet!”
My remark releases the Errinys. A supervisor strolls over.
“Ma’am? Ma’am, we have to do the pat down all over again.” She begins repeating
the ritual, top to bottom. I demand an explanation.
“Ma’am, you were making sarcastic remarks.” she explains.
“Sarcastic remarks are now against the law?”
“Ma’am, ma’am,” she bleats with all the assurance of an
enraged school marm. “I’ll have to call my supervisor.”
Feast or famine, the third “female assist” appears. I spread
my arms, I spread my legs.
Bemused, an eleven-year-old boy watches the proceedings. I
want to say, “Young man, take a good look at this. Remember this.” But from the
time he began remembering, his years tell him that walking through the security
barrier into the maw of Michael Chertoff’s radiation-producing full-body
scanner requires bare feet. My years conjure images of Jews stripped naked, waiting
expectantly to enter the crematoria, of people being told they are lining up
for the showers, only to discover that the soap that has been issued to each
one of them is really just a stone.
This Week’s Roses Amidst the Thorns
How to send a politician packing: Protests
in London over Grenfell fire force PM Theresa May to flee.
percent (10%) of US energy in March was supplied by wind and solar, setting
a record.
of the dam opposed by Berta Cåaceres withdraw their funding completely.
Court strikes down North Carolina’s racially-gerrymandered legislative maps.
reaches $100 million settlement that requires Michigan and Flint to replace
damaged lead pipes and to provide filter installation
and education to Flint residents.
joins California, Washington, and New York upholding the goals of the Paris
is the fourth state to support the Paris Agreement, joining Washington,
California and New York.
Colorado’s marijuana profits go
to schools and to fighting opioid addition.
rolls back Trumptype tax cuts for the wealthy because it devastated the
state’s treasury.
Seeking Economic justice for all, Hawaii
becomes first state to consider basic income.
To raise awareness of an unjust bail
system, communities
bail fathers and others out for father’s day.
Antar Lumuba wins mayoral race in Jackson, Mississippi, Jackson’s first
black mayor.
in Missouri, Ohio, and Texas, get creative protesting repeal of Obama
![]() |
Protest: Women dressed as handmaidens after Margaret Atwood's novel |
largest pension fund divests from Paris Accord violators ExxonMobil and
Rock Sioux receive $250,000 Henry A. Wallace award for its courage opposing the
DAPL, plus up to $1 million from the Wallace Global Fund to transition
toward fossil fuel independence.
Federal judge rules Army
Corps of Engineers gave DAPL a waiver without the necessary EIR, but
requires further advisement while the oil keeps flowing.
What You Can Do:
petition to banks to Stop Financing DAPL and Tar Sands Pipelines
تعلن شركة غسيل خزانات بمكة المكرمة التي يمكن من خلالها التمتع بالكثير من الخدمات المميزة في تنظيف وعزل خزانات بمكة من العوالق الرواسب .
ReplyDeleteالنظافة وما أدراكم ما النظافة اعزائى / عزيزاتى كلنا يعلم أهمية وقيمة وضرورة النظافة في حياتنا
لما لها من تأثير على صحتنا وصحة أولادنا بل وصحة أسرتنا والمجتمع بأسره .
ولذلك يجب علينا جميعا فردا وأسرة ومجتمع المحافظة على النظافة في جميع أحوالنا وأوقاتنا وأماكننا وظروفنا
لننعم بحياة نظيفة وصحية ومستقرة وهادئة ومريحة وديننا دين النظافة وحثنا نبينا الكريم على النظافة وأمرنا
بتنظيف بيوتنا وأفنيتنا وشوارعنا وملابسنا لان النظافة من الإيمان فقال صلى الله علية وسلم نظفوا أفنيتكم ولا تشبهوا
باليهود ، صدق رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم فكان أيام النبي صلى الله علية وسلم يفرق
بين بيت المسلم واليهودي بكثرة النظافة والطهارة فعلينا جميعا الاهتمام بالنظافة في جميع أمور حياتنا
واليكى سيدتي المساعدة والخدمات المميزة و المقدمة من أفضل شركة تنظيف المدينة المنورة
فقط عليك الاستعانة بنا وبخدماتنا نصلكم حيث ما كنتم وفى أي وقت .
إليكم مميزات اقوي وأعرق شركة تنظيف المدينة المنورة
نور المدينة.
1\تتميز شركة تنظيف المدينة المنورة بالخبرة والأقدمية والمصداقية في مجال العمل
2\تعد شركة تنظيف المدينة المنورة من أتقن وأقوى وأفضل شركة تنظيف على الإطلاق
3\تتمتع الشركة بالأمانة والإخلاص والخبرة والإتقان في أداء العمل
4\تتوفر لدى الشركة طاقم من العمالة المؤهل و المتخصص والمدرب على استخدام أدوات العمل المناسبة للتنظيف
5\توفر الشركة الآلات والمعدات الحديثة والمعاصرة والحصرية لجميع طرق النظافة وبكافة أنواعها
6\لدينا أفضل وأجود أنواع الخامات والمنظفات والمصرح بها عالميا من وزارة الصحة وبأقل الأسعار
7\تعلن الشركة إتاحة الخدمات لكم دائما طوال الأيام وفى أي وقت فقط عليكم الاتصال بالشركة نصلكم حيث ما كنتم
بعض الخدمات التي توفرها شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة
- تنظيف المنازل بالمدينة المنورة
-تنظيف الفلل بالمدينة المنورة
-تنظيف المكاتب بالمدينة المنورة
-تنظيف مسابح بالمدينة المنورة
-تنظيف عمائر بالمدينة المنورة
-تنظيف المجالس والكنب والأنتريهات بالمدينة المنورة وبطرق مخصصة