This week while turkeys nationwide meet their fate, we get
to rectify a myth, because colonization was such a crap shoot, for
once, the White Man had to listen to Native folks who knew how to grow food in
a climate the colonizers found less than hospitable. It’s the right time to
highlight what’s happening to indigenous people world over, and especially
Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, the U.S. and Canada, and Palestine.
In the US and Canada, indigenous people are in the frontlines
of our planetary battle targeting climate change, something the
industry knew about as early as 1966. As the
withdraws from the Paris Climate Accords, we keep warm in our memories the
Sioux engaged in the New Indian
Wars at
Standing Rock, being water cannoned in below freezing temperatures, so cold
icicles formed along the rows of barbed wire the guardians of capital had raised.
And in Central and South America, Indians have been
defending the democracy of the Bolivarian Revolution which has reduced poverty,
stamped out illiteracy, provided housing, a more robust economy, and medical
care for the most disadvantaged of the population, namely the Indian sector. Some
call this brand of democracy socialism.
Evo Morales against Mexico City background |
La Paz funeral of masssacre victim passses through police lines |
The Bolivarian Revolution, with its emphasis on the Right to
Vote, and the leveling out of the steep inequality which dominated the country
in the past,
never been in the U.S. interest. But
Bolivian lithium for battery manufacture, and indium for liquid crystal
displays needed for computers, smartphones, and TVs are, because Bolivia’s
lithium and indium happen to be under their soils, not ours. And ours is the US
"Satanic:" Jeanine Áñez |
Currently, through US imperial machinations, color
revolutions have either been attempted or occurred in Venezuela, and Bolivia
respectively, and to this list we might add Ecuador, Nicaragua, and now Colombia.
But from the perspective of the US voter, the issue has
do with whether or not we “like” Morales, or whether we “like” Maduro (of
Venezuela); it pertains to constant, unrelenting US interference in the
legitimate policies and activities of other countries. (what the US-government likes
to call “regime change.”)
The US itself does not exactly lag behind harboring its own criminal
leaders. It may be time once again to stop exporting coups, and
the coup home to roost.
Sign Code Pink’s
invitation for a UN presence in Bolivia at
Sanctions kill, too: Sign to denounce US imposed sanctions
Don’t get pushed into the oven of climate change: Join XR at
the S.F. Opera House, 391 Van Ness in S.F. at 1:30 PM Saturday Nov. 30, and Sunday,
Dec. 1 at 1:30 PM at
Join Extinction Rebellion Thanksgiving Hunger Strike and
climate emergency rallies at House Speaker Pelosi’s office and home
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 12-1:30 90 7th st. to deliver
demand letter.
Thursday, Nov. 28, 11 AM-3 PM Pelosi mansion: 2640 Bway
@Scott ST., S.F.
Demand Congress pass the Climate Equity Act to address
environmental racism at:
Demand Rep. Eliot Engel hold a Defund Occupation of
Palestine now at
Remove racist Stephen Miller from office at:
Block Keystone XL Pipeline at
In Bay Area, Join Women in Black Friday Nov. 19, at 11:45 at
Powell BART, march to Union Square at
Brazil Federal Supreme Court trules inmates who’ve not
exhausted their appeals should not be incarcerated, releasing Lula da Silva,
and at least 5,000 more.
International Energy Agency annual report list, although
decrying slow progress in transportation and equity, reported solar and
offshore wind installation progress.
European Ivestment Bank to end fossil fuel financing within
the next two years.
Protesters block Iraq port as general strikes take hold.
Ecuador lawmakers reject president’s proposed economic
measures calculated to pay for IMF $4.2
billon loan..
French yellow vest resisters celebrate first birthday with
planned labor strikes.
Now that the UK government holds Assange. Sweden drops bogus
sex charges against him.
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority forces US Army jet to quit
Pakistani airspace.
Chile: Human Rights
violations may lead to Piñera’s impeachment.
Youth shut down OAS Secy General Luis Almagro’s talk in
National Layers Guild condems military coup in Bolivia.
Israeli PM Netanyahoo indicted for bribery and fraud.
UN Security Council rebukes US stance on Israel’s illegal
West Bank settlements.
31 US organizations denounce violent repression in Bolivia.
Triggered by President Duque’s labor reforms and cuts to
pension system, hundreds of thousands people join national strike in Colombia.
In Brazil, lula vows to battle for democracy against
Bolsonaro push to destroy progress in Brazil.
Sixty doctors demand immediate medical attention for
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
Pope calls for world without nuclear weapons claiming they
are “an affront crying out to heaven.”
Feeding the hungry and slaking their thirst is not a crime:
Scott Warren found not guilty of all charges rescuing people in the desert.
Bureau of Land Management temporarily suspends 130 oil and
gas leases because it forgot to factors in climate change before leasing them.
Over 120K public comments on Keystone XL submitted to US
State Department.
After recanvass, Ky Governor Matt Bevin concedes race to
Democrat Andy Beshear.
Hunger strike by Extinction Rebellion continues in Speaker
Pelosi D.C. office.
Conservationists intervene against effort to dam Little
Colorado River half a mile from the Grand Canyon.
Harvard students walk out of Israel envoy talk.
Shouting “OK boomer,” hundreds of activists delay
Harvard-Yale football game in climate protest.
Sanders fastest presidential candidate in history to reach 4
million donations.
Regardless of party affiliation, poll shows 66% of key early
state voters support ending production of fossil fuels.
Nearly 100K petitions delivered to PBS backing call for
prime time impeachment hearings.
Bernie calls it in Bolivia: “when the military intervenes” a
coup pure and simple.
Massive Cricket Valley fracked gas plant shut down by NY
Tulsi Gabbard criticizes own party for fossilism during
Democratic debate.
rail line tied to Turkish State shut down in solidarity with Rojava Kurds.
Judge halts all scheduled federal executions, effectively
freezing Trump effort to resume death penalty.
Billboards for World Children’s Day call for freedom of
detained children in the US.
UN condemns US for world’s highest rate of children in
Veteran Congresswoman Betty McCollum introduces legislation
prohibiting US funding to any foreign military that detains children, including
Top Navy SEAL Rear Admiral Collin Green defies Donald
Trump’s pardon of Eddie Gallagher for shooting Iraqi civilians.
Federal court rules that Trump administration was at fault
failing to protect critically endangered North Atlantic right whales.
US journalists sue Trump DHS over “coordinated attack” on
press freedom.
Citing white nationalist e-mails, over 100 Dem lawmakers
sign letter demanding Stephen Miller resign.
Bill transitioning US to 100% clean energy by 2050
introduced in Congress.
BDS campaign targeting Portland Trailblazers partnership
with Leupold & Stevens, manufacturers of rifle scopes used by Israeli
occupying army wins.
Brookline, Mass. bans natural gas and oil in new home
Court rules against “Secure Communities” dragnet fueled by
ICE reliance on massive data collection.
Federal Court blocks Trump’s asylum ban
Shareholders urge 5 major banks to act now on climate.
26 health organizations, led by Physicians for Social
responsibility, submit comments to EPA opposing rollback of new source
performance standards for oil and natural gas industry.
Times Up! Extinction Rebellion occupies Pelosi office,
launching global hunger strike for climate action at Thanksgiving.
22 mayors want PG&E to become customer owner coop.
Gov. Newsome signs bill allowing California cities and towns
to establish public banks.
Climate groups applaud Gov. Newsom’s temporary fracking ban.
Lawsuit launched against Trump EPA for failing to enforce
smog rules in California.