Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Something New

Dear readers: Our most recent issue was devoted to encapsulating the startling development that #45 enlisted Jeffrey Clark of the DOJ to be his water carrier during the 2020 election cycle to suggest that voting results in Georgia could be overturned. I asked my readers to compose their own letters of concern to their congress persons, and other people in high office.


Since then as a result of valuable feedback from a number of readers, I hope to try something new: I offer you the sample letter below.  It may not necessarily be the best sample letter, but if, like me, you are squeezed for time, such sample letters may make things lots easier. From now on whenever possible the newsletter will offer sample letters. I hope you may find them useful.  The one you read below went to the following:


POTUS 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W. D.C. 20500

Rep. Nancy Pelosi 1236  Longworth H.O.B D.C. 20515

Rep. Barbara Lee 2470 Rayburn House Office bldg., D.C. 20515

Sen. Alex Padilla BO3 Russell Senate Office bldg.., D.C. 20510

Sen. Diane Feinstein 331 Hart Senate Office bldg.. D.C. 20510

V. Pres. Kamala Harris  1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. D.C. 20500


Your sample letter can also be addressed to The New York Times editorial; and to other papers of record. Be sure to include your address and telephone.)


Dear (your congresspersons of choice):


I am writing because I am very alarmed about efforts on the part of Republican lawmakers to hijack the next presidential election.


Already over 400 voter-suppression laws have been passed in state legislatures under Republican control. This week facts have emerged about #45 selecting Clark as his water carrier to try influence the vote count in Georgia, and 6 other states, and his threats to fire Rosen and replace him with Clark when Clark’s first efforts failed.


Two decades later, SCOTUS radical reading of the Constitution in Bush vs. Gore, undergirds many of the court changes on behalf of [#45]….At that time the Justices argued that state legislatures have the plenary power to run elections and can even pass laws giving themselves the right to appoint electors. Today the so-called Independent Legislature Doctrine has informed #45 and the Right’s attempts to use Republican-dominated state legislatures to overrule the poplar will. It gives intellectual respectability to an otherwise insane, anti-democratic argument.  


Attention must be paid.  Clark’s letter to Gov. Kemp suggesting that the legislature could refuse to accept the outcome of the election and select electors for #45 instead,

is a blue print for GOP plans to overturn the national election of 2024.


John Stoehr writing for the Editorial Board

points out that Republicans already have a plan for stealing the next election. Reviewing the background of Clark’s letter to Gov. Kemp he states “in the coup-to-come, the letter will become the roadmap for overthrowing the will of the voters. From what I understand,” he  continues, “they have all made arrangements for the state legislators to step in when state election authorities are not producing desirable results.” 


Trump’s call to Rosen to “leave it to me…” ought to trigger section 3 of the 14th amendment, which bars anyone from holding office ‘who engaged in insurrection’ against the United States….







Voting rights  will not die. Today’s news offers updates. Congress failed again to pass the For the People Act, (now S. 2093) as well as the Districting Reform Act (S. 2670) and the DISCLOSE Act (S. 2671) before going on recess. Obstruction came from the usual suspects who used the filibuster to impede constructive legislation on this issue.  You can read the full details at


And should you wish to see the magnitude of 2021 election enactments state by state, go to



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